void box(){
printf("\n[A] Add");
printf("\n[B] Subtract");
printf("\n[C] Multiply");
printf("\n[D] Divide");
printf(" ");
printf("\nEnter what you want to execute: ");
void box2(){
printf("\nC - reset values and input again");
printf("\nY - Continue and apply another operation to the answer");
printf("\nX - Exit");
printf("\nEnter you choice: ");
float add(float x,float y){
return x+y;
float sub(float x,float y){
return x-y;
float multi(float x,float y){
return x*y;
float dev(float x,float y){
return x/y;
About this blog
These codes here are just based on my own knowledge learned from my IT subjects. I know there are more ways that this draft codes can be enhance, so..
Please feel free to comment & suggest.. Suggest Codes which makes my existing codes simpler.. Thanks!
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